盖瑟斯堡 State of the City Address Highlights Diversity, 当地的故事, Development Plans

This year’s 盖瑟斯堡 State of the City address highlighted the city’s diversity, local heroes, development plans and upcoming events.

“盖瑟斯堡 remains a debt-free city, a city with the lowest property tax rate of any of Maryland’s 20 largest cities,” 盖瑟斯堡 Mayor Jud Ashman told MCM on Friday.

“We told stories of people going above and beyond, of our programs impacting people’s lives,“清道夫, who also serves on MCM’s Board of Directors, 说.

盖瑟斯堡 Council Vice President Jim 麦克纳尔蒂 delivered the address last week on behalf of Ashman, who was not able to attend due to family obligations. During the speech, 麦克纳尔蒂 noted 盖瑟斯堡 was again rated the most diverse city 在美国.S.

This is a designation we are as proud of today as we were 10 years ago when the Most Diverse Cities study debuted,他说.

He recognized 盖瑟斯堡 Police officer Nick Ozkayan, who last year rushed to help render aid to County Police Sgt. 帕特里克Kepp, who was allegedly targeted and struck by a driver, resulting in the loss of  both of Kepp’s legs.

麦克纳尔蒂 highlighted the upcoming 盖瑟斯堡 Book Festival, which is Saturday, May 18 在波尔公园. It will be the 15th annual 盖瑟斯堡 Book Festival which Ashman created. 麦克纳尔蒂 added the city is also planning a 盖瑟斯堡 History Fair in June, with a focus on Black history.

On the Lakeforest redevelopment project, 麦克纳尔蒂 说 the property owner has submitted a development plan which will come to a public hearing in the near future. The proposed plan includes 1,600 residential units, and space for employment uses, large-format retail, and other commercial uses.

Addressing a housing shortage in Maryland, 麦克纳尔蒂 说 盖瑟斯堡 currently has 2,430 residential units planned, and 546 of those units are currently under construction.

In addition to the speech, the event also featured awards:

  • Distinguished Friend Award: The award was presented to Carolyn Camacho, program director for Identity, for her work supporting the 盖瑟斯堡 Coalition of Providers and the 青年 Opportunities Coalition, 根据… 释放.
  • Outstanding Organization Award: This award was presented to Soroptimist International of Upper Montgomery County, for its contributions to the 盖瑟斯堡 community.
  • 2024 Distinguished Resident: The title goes to Carmen Castro-Conroy, who is Associate Director of the Montgomery County Office, Housing Initiative Partnership as well as a City of 盖瑟斯堡 volunteer.


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